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Number Description Action Date Disposition
Ord. 85 Amends § 3 of Ord. 6, dog license fee Repealed by 107
Ord. 84 Gates opening or swinging across sidewalks 1907 Codified
Ord. 83 Alley vacation Special
Ord. 82 1906 tax levy Special
Ord. 81 Street vacation Special
Ord. 80 Creates special water fund Special
Ord. 79 Special election on water system on bonds Special
Ord. 78 Amends §§ 1 and 2 of Ord. 69, water bond sinking fund Special
Ord. 77 Leaving and hitching horses or mules on certain streets Repealed by 596, 651
Ord. 76 Contract to supply water to Northern Pacific Railway Company Special
Ord. 75 Amends Ord. 72, sale of intoxicating liquors Repealed by 95
Ord. 74 Amends § 3 of Ord. 25, construction of lumber sidewalks Repealed by 120
Ord. 73 1905 tax levy Special
Ord. 72 Adds § 6 1/2 to Ord. 7, sale of intoxicating liquors Repealed by 95
Ord. 71 Creates LID No. 9 Special
Ord. 70 Specifications for smoke stacks on stationary engines Repealed by 778
Ord. 69 Sinking fund for payment of water bonds Special
Ord. 68 Creates LID No. 8 Special
Ord. 67 Interference with manholes, flush tanks and public sewers Repealed by 506
Ord. 66 Supervision and control of sewers and house drains Repealed by 506
Ord. 65 Public sewer connections Repealed by 445, 506
Ord. 64 Amends § 2 of Ord. 19, license fee for public amusements Repealed by 778
Ord. 63 Amends § 4 of Ord. 21, fire prevention Repealed by 669
Ord. 62 Amends § 1 of Ord. 20, street poll tax on male inhabitants Repealed by 778
Ord. 61 Repeals Ord. 45 Repealer